The Plan

Neighbourhood Area – designated on 24 January 2014
Other Useful Information
Feasibility Study MeetingsSteering Group MeetingsAdditional Maps
Limits to Development MapBurbage Environment InventoryBurbage Sites InventoryEnvironmental ProposalsEnvironment Agency Local Aquifers9 View Point VistaLocal Green SpacesKey Appendices
View & Download Key AppendicesTopic PapersBurbage is a large Parish bordering the town of Hinckley, and is considered an attractive place in which to live and work.
The Parish has seen considerable growth over recent years, which has caused pressure on the local infrastructure including roads, the environment, parks, schools, community facilities and healthcare.
This is our Neighbourhood Plan for Burbage for the next 10 years. It has been driven forward by an Advisory Committee of the Parish Council and is now managed by the Burbage Neighbourhood Plan Group. The Plan reflects the communities aspirations regarding the future of our Parish and, that when implemented, will make Burbage a better place in which to live and work. The Plan will be reviewed and updated periodically during the period up to 2026.
The plan covers the whole of the Parish as shown on the map of the designated area above.