About Us
This website is run by the team who are developing the Burbage Neighbourhood Development Plan.
The Feasibility Study was signed off in 2014.
A consultant was then appointed and in November 2014 we submitted a questionnaire to the population of Burbage, the closing date for which was 31st January 2015. Paper copies were distributed to each household in Burbage and the questionnaire was also made available online using Survey Monkey. After analysing the replies we started looking for more people to help as we identified the themes to include in our Neighbourhood Plan and in April 2015 we launched five Theme groups (Community, Business and Employment, Environment, Housing, Transport) to collect the information to include in our plan. We are keen to involve as many people as possible in deciding the future of development across the Burbage area so if you are interested in becoming involved, or simply want further information, then please contact us.

Councillor Stan Rooney

Councillor Richard Flemming