Date set for Public Hearing
Independent Examiner announces that Tuesday, 3rd March 2020 will be the date for public hearing into Burbage Neighbourhood Plan. It will be held at The Hub, Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council.
VIEW MOREIndependent Examiner announces that Tuesday, 3rd March 2020 will be the date for public hearing into Burbage Neighbourhood Plan. It will be held at The Hub, Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council.
VIEW MORERegulation 16 consultation completed and report sent to Independent Examiner
VIEW MOREJohn Slater BA(hons), DMS, MRTPI appointed as Independent Examiner to review Burbage Neighbourhood Plan
VIEW MOREIn accordance with Part 5 Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning General Regulations 2012 as amended by the Neighbourhood Planning (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2015 (The Regulations) on the 6th September 2019 the Submission version of the Burbage Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents were submitted to Hinckley and Bosworth Borough Council to move into the Regulation 16 public consultation phase of the process to have the Plan ‘made’.
VIEW MOREDuring the period 6th September 2019 – 28th October 2019 the Formal Regulation 16 process under- taken with twenty-five respondents providing feedback on the Burbage Neighbourhood Plan.
VIEW MOREDue to be available to public
VIEW MOREFor review and approval.
VIEW MOREWhere draft policies presented to public and received feedback.
VIEW MOREInitially composed from policies devised by each of the focused Theme Groups, then consolidated by YourLocale.
VIEW MOREFormed by Theme Groups and revised by Steering Group.
VIEW MOREEach group formed to focus on key areas of interest, based upon feedback from the public.
VIEW MOREFeedback received used to determine areas of interest/ focus required from the Community.
VIEW MOREInitial public consultation where feedback was received and formed part of public questionnaire
VIEW MOREConsisting of Parish Councillors and also members of the public, to provide the project with relevant expertise and focus.